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Massacre Rocks

Idaho > E Idaho
Access Issue: Use BLM route to access Massacre, see driving directions on the main page below. DO NOT TRESPASS ON PRIVATE 'SHORT CUT' FARM ROADS!! The land owners are asking climbers be respectful and not trespass on their private property. Details


Massacre Rocks is a large natural area of sagebrush, ancient cedar trees, sand dunes, and box canyons sculpted by the Great Bonneville flood some 14,000 years ago. The flood carved numerous natural box canyons and 'alcoves' leaving steep rock walls ranging from 30' to 200' in height. The exposed basalt formations were originally formed from repeated volcanic activity in the Snake River Plain. The rock is high quality black, brown, and tan basalt. It is steep (sometimes overhanging) and heavily featured with edges, pockets, blocks, slopers, bulges, dihedrals, and cracks - perfect for much varied sport climbing.

Massacre Rocks is part of the much larger “American Falls Archaeological District” (AFAD).… There are multiple land jurisdictions in both the AFAD and where climbing takes place (see BLM Map). Extensive and well documented studies of the AFAD near and around the Snake River show many cultural resources and evidence of human habitation for at least the last 13,000 years. This area is considered sacred to the Shoshone peoples. Be respectful and minimize your footprint and impact in the area. Keep your staging area small and contained. Pick up and pack out your trash including tape, orange or banana peels, cigarette butts, etc. Prevent your dog from digging. Don’t start or make any fires, especially near the base of cliffs.

In an effort to respect the cultural resources and tribal concerns, several routes names in this guide were changed to honor a request to eliminate potentially offensive names.

Remember, as on any Federal land, damaging cultural resources is a felony and punishable by fines and imprisonment. Deception Cove is posted closed to climbing. Please respect this and any other closures. While nearly all the established climbing cliffs do not have known petroglyphs or pictographs, should you happen to find one, usually near ground level, cease climbing and notify the Bureau of Land Management at the Burley Field Office, 208 677 6600.

Also, please, only park in one of the designated parking areas and respect all road closures. Sandy soils in the AFAD are prone to wind erosion. Motorized vehicles and even foot traffic can damage the fragile ecology and could destroy rare, irreplaceable evidence of 13,000 years of human habitation. When hiking to the crags use established trails and don’t short cut or braid existing trails. See the graphic from the BLM to understand which areas are closed to motorized travel.…

Massacre rocks sport climbing area is not within the Massacre Rocks State Park boundaries (though there is fine documented bouldering within the state park). The crags reside on a combination of Idaho state land, Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) land, and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land. In 2012 the BLM sought to limit or close climbing due to possible damage to cultural artifacts in the area. Ultimately, no action was taken and currently there are no restrictions on climbing on any of the Massacre Rocks land jurisdictions (as of April 2016). Many of the popular crags and climbs are on Idaho State Land where access was never threatened.

However, the BLM and BOR are collaborating to rollout a new management plan for the entire American Falls Archeological District by end of 2016 or early 2017. It is likely climbing will be impacted to some level. East Idaho Climber’s Coalition is working with the BLM and BOR to mitigate any issues and work towards a management plan that is most friendly to climbing. Stay tuned for public comment periods. Continuing to have a low impact footprint at Massacre can be a big help in the ongoing process. Be respectful, stay off private land, and be aware of cultural resource issues.

Massacre Rocks was one of the first modern climbing areas in the United States to fully embrace the sport climbing ethic. Most of the routes here were established in the 80's and 90's.

There are over 750 well equipped sport routes at Massacre on more than two dozen different walls ranging from 30' to 200' in height. The average climb is about 60'. The "climb anywhere" nature of the rock has led to a high concentration of routes on most walls. Sometimes routes are as close as 5 or 6 feet apart which can make identifying routes a challenge. A good strategy is to count bolts. Once a route has been identified, it's easy to track routes to the right or left. This guide and the free online guide have accurate bolt counts for most route descriptions.

The sport climbs at Massacre typically have closely spaced bolts for pushing your limits. Climbs range from 5.8 to 5.13 with most being in the middle of that range. If you climb 5.10 to 5.12 and like to clip bolts, you will find a nearly endless supply of high quality sport climbing.

A rack of up to 18 quick draws will suffice on the longer routes, while the majority of climbs take six to eight. There are some natural pro lines but they are seldom climbed. For these a standard rack of cams and nuts should do the trick.

The vast majority of routes have sport anchors which are typically an open cold shut and a steel or aluminum carabiner. This makes finishing and lowering from a route convenient. Please use your own gear if you plan to top rope the route. Occasionally, the routes will have chain anchors at the top of the climb, if in doubt always bring a couple extra draws.

Most climbs at Massacre allow a leader to be lowered using a single 60 meter rope however some longer routes may require two ropes. There have been lowering accidents at Massacre, so if you are not sure, tie a knot in the end of the rope so you don’t drop your partner, or even better, take two ropes. The Owl Cove, Main Wall Area, and Eagle Wall are places to watch out for two rope descents.

The best climbing weather at Massacre is in the late fall and early spring although there are many very climbable days in the winter. Provided the sun is out, the dark rock and wind protected alcoves create micro-climates where it's possible to climb in t-shirts on 30 F winter days. These same features make climbing in the summer unbearably hot, though early morning or late evening outings on shady walls are possible.

There is pleasant but primitive free camping at several locations near the parking on the west rim. Bring your own water, firewood and shovel.

There are rattlesnakes in the area though they are typically not a problem. If you bring dogs or children scope the area before settling down to climb.

It can be extremely hot at Massacre during the summer. The sand can burn bare feet. Dogs in particular can have a very tough time with the hot sand. Due to some long treks across hot sand, it is not advisable to bring dogs during summer, even if you intend to climb in the shade.

Getting There

Overview of Access to Massacre  

Massacre Rocks is situated across the Snake River, northwest from Massacre Rocks State Park entrance fee station; the 200 foot Main Wall is visible from Interstate 86. Traditionally climbers accessed Main Wall and Owl Cove by taking a canoe across the Snake River. However the vast majority of the climbing is in box canyons and alcoves situated behind Owl Cove and Main Wall. For easier access to these walls climbers drive across the American Falls Reservoir Dam and follow paved roads to a public access dirt road. Three miles of two-track through BLM public land and state of Idaho public land lead to the parking areas along the west rims. From the the parking, some crags can be reached in as little as five minutes and the Main Wall is still only a 30 min hike through the back country.


Note that the last three miles is a two-track dirt road that requires moderate clearance.  The two track While trucks and Subaru's have no problem and plenty of sedans (like Camrys and Accords) have made it too, be aware that clearance may be an issue.

From the town of American Falls, take State Highway 39 across the American Falls Reservoir dam. Take the first left turn onto the Lamb-Weston Road and set your trip odometer to zero.

* 0.0 miles: Left turn onto Lamb-Weston Road

* 0.2 miles: Turn left onto Borah Road

* 1.8 miles: Turn left onto the paved Lake Channel Road; it follows the river for awhile before heading across potato fields.

* 13.7 miles: Turn left onto a dirt two-track road. Follow this road for about 100 yards all the way to the fence line. A very short distance before the fence, you will cross a dirt road. DO NOT TURN RIGHT YET!! Go all the way to the fence and then turn right and follow the fence line until you come to a BLM gate at 14.1 miles.

* 14.1 miles: Turn left and go through the BLM gate (please close it behind you). Continue along a two-track dirt road. After about a mile, you will pass through a metal gate (close it behind you).  Continue on the two track.

* 16.5 miles: You will encounter two metal gates. Beyond the left metal gate is private land. DO NOT GO THROUGH THE GATE AND TRESPASS ON PRIVATE LAND. Use the right hand metal gate. This gate separates BLM public land from state of Idaho public land. Follow a 2 track road through sage brush for about a quarter mile until you can take a right turn onto a well established 2 track road. (Note this avoids a 200 yard section of private land farm road).


* 17.1 miles: Take the right fork and continue on a well used two-track dirt road.

* 17.7 miles: Most popular parking spot. "P2" on the access map.


If you have access to a boat, the quickest and easiest way to reach the Main Wall and Owl Cove is to cross the Snake River at Massacre State Park. Drive about 11.5 miles west of American Falls on I-86. Take the Massacre Rocks exit, exit #28. Park your vehicle near the fee station and portage your boat about 200 yards along a faint trail to the river. If you paddle straight across the river you will be near the entrance to Owl Cove. Alternatively, you can drive to the boat ramp, put in, and navigate a quarter mile upriver.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Public Access route to Massacre
[Hide Photo] Public Access route to Massacre
More detailed map of some of Massacre Rocks including parking locations, access trails, and popular walls. See the online guide for more info.
[Hide Photo] More detailed map of some of Massacre Rocks including parking locations, access trails, and popular walls. See the online guide for more info.
Detail of driving directions map from start of the public access dirt 2 -track road to the west rim parking at Massacre Rocks
[Hide Photo] Detail of driving directions map from start of the public access dirt 2 -track road to the west rim parking at Massacre Rocks
The Eagle Has Landed @ Eagle Wall
[Hide Photo] The Eagle Has Landed @ Eagle Wall
Overview map of Massacre Rocks and locations of major crags.  See the online guide for more info.
[Hide Photo] Overview map of Massacre Rocks and locations of major crags. See the online guide for more info.
Massacre Rocks
[Hide Photo] Massacre Rocks
Dorky photo, but gives you an idea of the place.
[Hide Photo] Dorky photo, but gives you an idea of the place.
200' Main Wall as seen during the Snake River crossing.  The Main Wall is easily visible from Interstate 86 while passing by Massacre Rocks State Park
[Hide Photo] 200' Main Wall as seen during the Snake River crossing. The Main Wall is easily visible from Interstate 86 while passing by Massacre Rocks State Park
Eagle Wall
[Hide Photo] Eagle Wall
BLM/BOR map showing the American Falls Archeological District and which areas are closed to motor vehicles.
[Hide Photo] BLM/BOR map showing the American Falls Archeological District and which areas are closed to motor vehicles.
Steep and tall, the west (left side) of Eagle Wall with Funny Business Wall across the valley.
[Hide Photo] Steep and tall, the west (left side) of Eagle Wall with Funny Business Wall across the valley.
The good life at Massacre.
[Hide Photo] The good life at Massacre.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Bill Ballace
[Hide Comment] Surprisingly "Rocn'n Road", by Tim Toula, Gives this area four out of five stars, while he gives City of Rocks only three. This makes me want to check Massacre out. Jul 12, 2007
Andy Laakmann
Bend, OR
[Hide Comment] I'd give the City 4/5 stars.. Massacre, maybe 2/5 stars. Massacre's advantage is warmer temps in the cool seasons, but the climbing can't touch what the City has to offer. The City is a world class destination... Massacre, while fun, is most certainly not. Aug 3, 2007
Missoula, MT
[Hide Comment] Agree completely with Massacre 2/5 stars, City 4/5. Massacre is good early spring destination when City is snowed in. It's a fun place, great for mileage and clipping bolts. Like a big outdoor climbing gym with hawks. Nov 15, 2008
[Hide Comment] This was the first place I went to do outdoor sport climbing after starting in the gym. I feel like it was a great place for a beginner for several reasons, one of which was that there was no one else there (though it was a weekday). Thus, it was easy for us to take our time, and I felt comfortable getting used to things. The location was easy to get to, and it was really warm for early March. We camped out under the stars and enjoyed some great beers from The Grapevine in Pocatello. I could not have asked for a better first experience climbing outdoors. So - from a beginner's perspective, I'd have to say I recommend it highly. Since Massacre, I have done a few climbs in Little Cottonwood Canyon in SLC and they were much more nerve-wracking for me. Apr 30, 2009
[Hide Comment] As a semi-local and City of Rocks guide author, my 2 cents is that Massacre is one of the best pure-sport areas in the U.S! With an ungodly number of featured basalt routes,(upwards of 700)this is one of the best places on earth for cranking mass quantities of sport routes. Nearby City of Rocks is great, but lacks classic "sport" walls where you can open up the rope bag and climb all day.

Two things keep Massacre from being an A-list area. Firstly, access is adventurous, involving complex route finding from the small town of American Falls, finishing with tricky navigation on sandy tracks w several fence crossings. Good directions can be had online at the ISU website. Traditionally, the "Main Wall" was approached by crossing the Snake River via canoe at Massacre Rocks State Park. For several years, locals kept boats stashed for fellow climber use, but that ended after several boats disappeared.

The other negative factor (or positive depending on your preference) is that the bulk of the climbs are solid 5.11, and don't offer much if you don't climb at least 5.10.If you operate in the upper .11 zone, Massacre is onsight paradise, with lots of crazy (challenging)sequences and cool features.

Most of the use these days is in the back alcove areas, a unique landscape of sandy coves sculpted by the ice-age Bonneville Flood. Most of the climbs are 100' or less, but amazingly equipped with ample bolts and quick-lowering anchors.

There is sweet (free) camping in the sandy juniper on the rim, with many crags within a few minutes of camp.

Apr 7, 2010
Mike Roghaar
Logan, UT
[Hide Comment] Spot on Dave. Spot on. Your 2 cents is worth a dollar. Thanks for the guide books for the City by the way. My favorite place since My dad started taking me there when I was 2 years old. Apr 20, 2010
Brian Fedigan
Boise, ID
[Hide Comment] If you have not heard the BLM is proposing closing this crag to climbing due to protection of cultural resources. If you want to help please contact your concerns to Mike Courtney of the BLM: You can also be added to a master email list by contacting Troy Neu at This is AN AWESOME CRAG; please help keep it open. July 2011 Jul 15, 2011
Brian Fedigan
Boise, ID
[Hide Comment] The Massacre Rocks closure has been listed on the Federal Register. That means you have thirty days to comment on the closure. BE HEARD, WRITE A LETTER. Send your letter and/or comments to the BLM by going to their website…, emailing them, mailing them 15 East 200 South Burley, ID 83318 or faxing them at 208-677-6699 PLEASE ACT NOW! Aug 25, 2011
[Hide Comment] I agree with D. Bingham. Based on my experience, climbing all over Western US for 20+ years, I find that Massacre ranks among the best sport climbing destinations.

The routes are generally difficult for beginners (>10d) and the access is a bit complex (see Upon arrival, however, you will generally find that you have over 600 mostly-high-quality routes to yourself.

Climbing is also possible year round. In the summer months go in the morning to West-Facing walls (e.g., La Petite Covette, Hobbit Wall, Eagle Wall), and in the evening go to East-facing walls (e.g., Love Connection, Red Light District).
Jul 9, 2014
Matt Enlow
[Hide Comment] Spent a day here, had a great time. No photos of anyone climbing as there were just the two of us though... added a few beta photos here on MP to help folks get around, and I have a teency blog post on it as well:… Apr 14, 2015
[Hide Comment] We went there this August and I have to say IT IS AMAZING! One of the best sport climbing areas I have ever been to. Great Rock quality, short approaches (if you are camping there), no trad gead needed and the surrounding landscape is just nice. The Access with a car is not a Problem if you have a Jeep. Nevertheless, we got almost stuck in the Sandy Road one time... I would still give the area 5 Stars, thank to the developers for the effort! Aug 16, 2016
[Hide Comment] Just want to say this place kicks ass. Mar 29, 2017
[Hide Comment] Hi all, I am planning a trip here with a few friends for spring break. I am trying to get a feel of where to park and camp as well as where everything is. This is a good start but if anybody has a copy of the climbing guide that they could send us, it would be very helpful as it has seemed to disappear from the internet. Also, any maps of parking and camping would be very appreciated. Cheers Mar 4, 2018
Mike Engle
Pocatello, ID
[Hide Comment] Hello Isaac, the free online guide is off line and will be for awhile due to pending actions by the BLM that threaten access to some of the crags in the area. Any potential closures likely won't happen until late in the year 2018 or early 2019. You're best option for a comprehensive guide is the Eastern Idaho Sweet Spots by Matt TeNgaio. If you can't get a copy, there is quite a bit of information here on MP. This area overview graphic map… shows the major crags and the best places to park. The best camping is on the west rim between parking P2 to P4. The main page also has a graphic for driving instructions. Most of the best crags are posted here as well. If you scroll through these pages you will find that most of crags have 'beta' photos of the cliffs with routes drawn in. You should be able to find what your looking for. Spring is a great time to climb here but you can lose a day or two to rain. Good luck. Mar 6, 2018
Mount Vernon, WA
[Hide Comment] any updates on access to this area? I'd like to go but the online guidebook takes me to an asian porn site hahaha Feb 23, 2020
Mike Engle
Pocatello, ID
[Hide Comment] BLM closure is postponed "pending alignment with the current Secretaries priorities". At this point, the BLM could rollout their Closure EIS this spring, next year or in a few years. At some point, they will follow through. So in the meantime, Massacre is fully open. Enjoy the Owl Cove, Petite Covette, Main Wall, Wild Onion and Far Side while you still can. All American Area, Red Light District, Eagle Wall, Funny Business, and other crags are on state land and will not be affected by the BLM proposed closure.

Idaho Sweet Spots is an excellent complete guidebook to Massacre and other east Idaho climbing and the MP Massacre pages has plenty to get you there an get you going. Feb 24, 2020
Pocatello, ID
[Hide Comment] ! DON'T TRESPASS !
Use the directions above to access Massacre Rock.
There are other ways but without explicit permission you'll be trespassing on private land!
One of the private land owners has asked climbers NOT TO TRESPASS on his land because of prior close calls between his farm trucks and climbers driving through his property, scaring the game reserved for hunters, liability, and property damage.
Respect private land owners’ wishes, be a good neighbor, and help with future access issues – Don’t Trespass. Oct 9, 2020
Scott M. McNamara
Presidio San Augustine Del…
[Hide Comment] Is the closure in alignment with what Mike Engle has already posted? Meaning will climbing still be possible at All American and such? Nov 4, 2022
Mike Engle
Pocatello, ID
[Hide Comment] Yes, my comments from 2020 are still valid with respect to what will remain open. The MP Massacre page will be updated when the actual climbing ban goes into effect which won't be for at least another month or so and could be longer if any administrative appeals are filed. Nov 5, 2022
[Hide Comment] I participated in the recent BLM decision process and subsequent protest. I looked for a statement from Fort Hall and haven’t found any. I am left w the feeling that this removal of climbing routes is retaliation from omitted motorized user’s and an Archeologist gone wild. I’d like to see the BLM removal. I consider the weak route names to have been a factor in the decision. This decision should guide climbers and climbing on BLM, moving forward. Climb Red Nations Nov 27, 2022